
Classic Shrimp Soup with a Hint of Cognac

Classic Shrimp Soup with a Hint of Cognac

Writen by: Steve

Posted: September 18, 2022

Classic Shrimp Soup with a Hint of Cognac it’s a little bit retro, a little bit ‘ladies who lunch’, but this delicious shrimp chowder is ready for a comeback! Enjoy it as an appetizer in small bowls, or as a light meal with a chunk of bread and a salad.

How to Prepare the Soup:

  1. Peel the shrimp and put the shells aside. Keep the shrimps cold.
  2. Chop the vegetables into small squares and put aside.
  3. Fry the shrimp shells in a pot for a couple of minutes, then add the vegetables and fry for two more minutes.
  4. Add the white wine, water, and the tomato puree and cover with a lid. Turn down the heat and let the mixture simmer for about one hour, stirring once in a while so it doesn’t stick.
  5. Strain the base and pour it back into the pot. Add the cream (and some more water if necessary).
  6. Let the soup simmer for about 10 minutes.
  7. Finish with some cognac, salt and pepper.


  1. Pour the soup into a soup plate. To make the dish look more appetizing and to highlight the soup, I use a black plate with wide edges.
  2. Place a handful of shrimps onto the soup and finish with some dill before serving.


  • 800 gr shrimps
  • 4 small shallots
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 50 gr fennel
  • 30 gr Swedish turnip
  • 2 tsp tomato puree
  • ½ cup Water
  • 2 ½ cup fish broth
  • ½ cup dry white wine
  • 1 ½ Cream
  • Cognac
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • dill

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