
Kimberlee Smith

Kimberlee Smith

First Name: Kimberlee

Last Name: Smith

Date of Birth: 1985-03-19

Experience: Head Chef

Continent: North America

Country: United States of America

City: Portland


I have always been interested in everything food related. I love learning different fusions, and researching how to reduce food waste, food deserts, and exploring food justice issues. Growing up my father did a lot of the cooking. They had very different food tastes. My curiosity and palate led her to experiment with new recipes. Encouragement from a young age fueled my culinary interest. Youth also took a few difficult turns where i saw, experienced, and overcame many tragedies and obstacles. These events led to work in Human/Social Science. My work in Human Services is important and satisfying. Cooking is in my heart and a true passion. I bring all of these talents to the kitchen. My flavors and kindness are a delight. My goal is to own a small restaurant that offers personal chef and catering services.

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October 28, 2022

Guacamole Cups

I’m always looking for an excuse to make my favorite homemade guacamole. And you all know much I love to play with baked wonton cups. So today it occurred to me — why not combine the two?!?