
Pietro Giuliani

Pietro Giuliani

First Name: Pietro

Last Name: Giuliani

Date of Birth: 1988-09-28

Experience: Head Chef

Continent: Europa

Country: Italy

City: Bologna


I provide nothing but the best quality ingredients with health in mind. My main passions are pasta and pizza, but I love creating on the fly and using everything to its full potential. I do not waste and can cook any type of cuisine. I love to make people happy through food. I want to find a company that wants to be wowed and enjoy every dish that comes to the table. I'm are only as good as your last dish!!

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January 20, 2023

Pizza Stromboli with Spinach, Mushrooms, and Cheese

I really love pizza. Instead of making the typical pizza, I tried a “Pizza Roll Up”. I rolled out the dough like a normal pizza and put the toppings on.