
Catrin Stagh

Catrin Stagh

First Name: Catrin

Last Name: Stagh

Date of Birth: 1986-09-20

Experience: Executive Chef

Continent: Europa

Country: Sweden

City: Stockholm


I’m a self-taught food creator and a trained hunter with a passion for natural Swedish ingredients and game meat. My mom worked as a professional chef all her life and I spent my childhood in her kitchen. Later in life I worked as a chef in a conference hotel, before I studied to become a Purchasing Manager. My ambition nowadays is to create modern and esthetical presentations of traditional Swedish dishes. By sharing my recipes I strive to introduce new tasteful dishes with Swedish main ingredients, and share my love for game meat.

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October 30, 2022

Tiramisu ice cream cake

This ice cream cake is not difficult to make but it does require some time to chill in between layers so plan accordingly. The first step is to make the ice cream.