Mannish water soup is a highly seasoned soup made from goat offal, green bananas, and any available vegetables or tubers traditionally cooked outside over a wood fire. It gets its name from the fact that it’s prepared by men most of the time and has some “special” benefits. But we think it’s good for everyone. Widely regarded as an aphrodisiac, mannish water is made from goat’s head, intestines, testicles, and feet. These parts are carefully washed before they’re roasted over a fire. The meat is cut into pieces and mixed with coco, yam, green bananas, carrots, dumplings, and Scotch bonnet peppers. Then, it’s cooked slow and low until it becomes the flavorful dish we all love. Goat head soup gets its signature flavor from the green bananas, as well as the smoked goat meat

How to Cook Mannish Water:

  1. Bring the water to a boil in a stockpot and add a little salt to taste.
  2. Add the meat to the boiling water and allow the meat to cook until tender.
  3. Add the potatoes, green bananas, yellow yam, garlic, and pimento. While these ingredients are cooking, you need to make some small dumplings called spinners.
  4. When the yams become medium soft, add the spinners, wait 2 minutes and then add the other ingredients to the soup. Let the soup boil for another 10 minutes or so.
  5. Taste the soup now; it should have a nice flavor. You can add more spices if needed. Serve the soup hot in small cups or in bowls if you are at home.

How to Make Spinners Jamaican Style (Jamaican Spinners Dumplings):

  1. Put the flour in a large bowl and add a little water. Knead the flour into a dough-like state, adding water as necessary, as if you were making bread.
  2. Pinch the dough into small pieces, about 2 inches in diameter.
  3. Place the pieces of dough into a bowl and let them sit for a while.
  4. With your palms facing each other, roll a piece of dough between them until the dough looks like a big piece of spaghetti.
  5. Now form the dough so that the middle is wide and the top and bottom are small. This is a spinner. The length of the spinner (dough) should be no more that 4 inches though. Repeat this process for all the pieces.